Legalisation Service - China
China is a signatory to the "Hague Apostille Convention of 5th October 1961".
Therefore, if you want to use your UK document in China, you ONLY need an apostille.
You do not need to have a separate legalisation certificate by the Chinese embassy.
You can order our apostille service below.
What you should be aware of
- A document of two or more pages must be bound by a silk ribbon and sealed properly by a notary public / solicitor with a wafer and emboassing stamp.
- For legalisation, certain documents such as marriage certificates, Certificates of No Imedipent, police certificates etc. must have an apostille issued within the last 6 months.
- A document previously legalised by embassies will need a new apostille for legalisation.
- The embassy can only accept police certificates issued within the last 6 months.